Hans Toch

Living on Death Row: The Psychology of Waiting to Die
This book synthesizes scholarly reflections with personal accounts from prison administrators and inmates to show the harsh reality of life on death row.

Violent Men: An Inquiry Into the Psychology of Violence, 25th Anniversary Edition
This 25th-anniversary edition of Violent Men examines recent incidents of police violence, and offers new clinical applications and reflections on the enduring power and impact of Dr. Toch’s classic work.

Organizational Change Through Individual Empowerment: Applying Social Psychology in Prisons and Policing
This incisive retrospective by social psychologist Hans Toch surveys the author’s groundbreaking work among police, corrections officers, and inmates, to investigate the psychologist’s role in promoting participatory change.

Stress in Policing
This APA book examines the stresses facing today’s police force through candid and uncensored interviews with police officers.

Cop Watch: Spectators, Social Media, and Police Reform
This book takes stock of the vast changes in police procedures that have occurred over the last half-century by examining the evolving role of spectators to police-citizen interactions.

Living in Prison: The Ecology of Survival
Living in Prison offers a comprehensive inmates’ view of prison life, set against a backdrop of objective information to understand how individual prisoners relate to and cope with their environment.

The Disturbed Violent Offender: Revised Edition
This readable volume provides a unique combined view of mental health problems and patterns of criminal violence – an up-to-date and insightful perspective on mentally ill offenders Sent from my iPhone

Acting Out: Maladaptive Behavior in Confinement
This book examines the prison careers of inmates who appear to sabotage their own rehabilitation by repeated displays of violence, disruptiveness, or otherwise self-defeating behavior.